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Vehicle Crossover / Dropped Kerb
A Vehicle Crossover (“Dropped Kerb") allows you and your vehicle to access your property safely and smoothly whilst achieving a hard standing surface.
The Kerbs are dropped from their normal height and the pavement or verge is strengthened to take the weight of the vehicle crossing it to avoid damage to the pavement in the future.
Your existing pipes or cables are identified correctly and re-buried beneath it should the ever require accessing again in the future.
If you are wishing to install a Vehicle Crossover, you must used an approved contractor from the Buy With Confidence Scheme, which we are a part of.
We have passed the selection process which checks our suitability and our previous work to ensure we are able to complete your installation to the highest of standards.
You can find your local council planning department to apply for a Dropped Kerb here: Apply for a dropped kerb - GOV.UK (
One of the additional benefits of installing a Vehicle Crossover is that it is an offence to park across a driveway with a dropped kerb.
Highway Code Rule 243 states that drivers should not stop or park “where the kerb has been lowered to help wheelchair users and powered mobility vehicles” or “in front of an entrance to a property”.
It is an offence to park across even a small part of the drive. Therefore you will hopefully not have neighbours or commuters parking outside your property with a Vehicle Crossover installed.

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